Moslem Millennials Donor Intention Through Donation-Based Crowdfunding In Indonesia



ABSTRACT: The existence of donation-based crowdfunding as an alternative fundraising system in Indonesia has a great opportunity to keep growing. millennials digitally-native generation should actively contribute the development crowdfunding. This study tries identify effect variables performance expectancy, effort social influence, facilitating conditions, sense trust, and experience expectation on intention donate by Muslim Indonesia. Respondents who were analyzed 156 people selected using purposive sampling tested SmartPLS. results showed that Social Influence, Sense Trust, Experience Expectation had positive influence Intention However, test Performance Expectancy, Effort Facilitating Conditions shows there are different findings. data presented this is expected add new perspectives for relevant stakeholders develop Keywords: Donation-based Crowdfunding, Moslem Millennials, Partial Least Square, Donation. 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عنوان ژورنال: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori Terapan

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2502-1508', '2407-1935']